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Southland's Hey Sweet Thing
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Southland's Hey Sweet Thing (
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Same Sire
Ida's Jan Sparkle Of Bev-nor
CH. Bev-norsn Southland Tar-lacy
AM. CH. Southland's Apollo Creed
Southland Lawsy Miz Scarlett
AM. CH. Velvet Touch Vanilla Fudge
AM. CH. Allayn's Sinnerman Toast
CH. Southland's Toast To Jamel
CH. Southland N Bev-nor's Nut E Fudge
AM. CH.CH. Southland's Janesa Berry Tby ROM
Courbettes Hershey Bar
CH. Southland'n Bev-nors Dynasty
CH.AM. CH. Glen Iris Charlemagne
Janesa's Southland Tanner CD
CH. Jamels Fugicle Of Southland ROM
BIS CH. Southland's Mr Vip O'ida
CH. Southlands Simply Elegant
CH. Southland N Bev-nor's Tar Baby
Southland's New Year Hope
Berry's Tan Fanny
Ida's Lil Tar Baby
CH. Southland's New Year Toast
CH. Janesa's Hi-struttin Daisy CD
CH. Majestic's Miss Liberty
CH. Bev-norsn Southlands Who Me
Ida's Delight Of Southland
CH. Southlands One Mo Time
CAN. CH. Fanfare's Sweet & Sassy ROM
Berry's Star Buck
CH. Courbette's Fudge It Budget
CH. Southland's Step Aside Boys
CH. Janesa's Hi-struttin Sweet Pea
CH. Ida's Lil Melodee Baby
CAN. CH. Southland N Janesa's Typhoon
Charmac Peanutbutter N Fudge
Janesa's Hi-struttin Finali
Janesa's Annalee
Southland's Toast To Ida
Janesa's Hi-struttin Pansy
Janesa's Hi-struttin Sweet Pea
Janesa's Just A Star
CH. Allayn's Celestial Fudge
Allayn's Goin' Fer Broke
Majestic's I Be So Fancy
CH. Ida's Prince 'o Southland
CH. Ida's Toby O Southland
CH. Southland's Justa Dream
Southland's Ms Polly O' Megee
CH. Kneisler's Toasty Miz Kayla
Ida's Lil Toasty's Shadow
CH. Bev-nor'n Southlands Roxy
Bev-nor's Ragtime Cowboy CD
Janesa's Hi-strutting Daisy CD
CH. Allayn's Against All Odds
Dizweea's Southland Ms Toasty
Same Dam
CH. Ida's Mr Toasty By Bev-nor
Ida's Little Gracie ROM
Bi Mar's Priority
CH. Ida's Ms Pris By Bev-nor
CH. Ida's Danish Delight By Bev-nor
Ida's Miss Priss By Bev-nor