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Aristic Miss Gadfly
Dog Information
Aristic Miss Gadfly (
0 on 10 generations
Last calculated: 2025-01-02 00:00:00
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AM. CH. Aristic Chili King
AM. CH. Aristic Mighty Cute ROM
CH. Bonner's Pep-r-k Firefeather
Bonner's Pepper-k Tangerine
Bonner's Styletan Adoration
Bonner's Bearutan Cream Puff
Bonner's Beautan Cream Puff
Bonner's Beautiful Tangerine
CH. Bonner's Pepperkorn
AM. CH. Highland Flashalong
Aristimist Of Highland
Aristibelle Of Highland
Highland's Ristic Petite
Aristigold Of Highland
Aristimaid Of Highland
Pixie's Gold Pepper
Bonner's Pepperkute Sungold
Bonner's Pep-r-kute Nightfire
AM. CH.CH. Bonner's Pepper-k Goldmist
CH. Bonner's Kristin Starmist ROMX
Bonner's Pepper K Sunkiss
Bonner's Sunstyle Goldbright
AM. CH. Bonner's Sunstyle Brilliance
CH.AM. CH. Bonner's Sunfire Mischief
CH. Bonner's Kristin Sundoll
Bonner's Pep-r-sun Prissy Pod
Bonner's Pepperking
Oak Hill's Crickett
CH. Bonner's Pepperkiss
Aristic Pepperkute Kandy
AM. CH. Aristic Chili Bean
Pearl's Bridget
Sue Ramsey's Gold Mascot
Pom-pal's Pepperistic Disher
Fancy Gold Chili Pepper
CH. Ridgeleas Luscious Retta
AM. CH. Aristic Chile King
AM. CH. Aristic Chilibean
Chilibean's Velvet Chipper
Highland Miss Muffet
Highland Sweet Bonnie
CH. Pearl's Jewel
Pearl Ace
Pearl's Lady
Nap's Red Greta
Kersey's Chilipepper
Block's Sunshine
AM. CH. Pearl's Busy Buddy
AM. CH. Brylea's Buddi Boi
Yancy Hardman
Blonde Busy Buddy
You-all Hardman
AM. CH. Aristic Wee Gold Peppet
Skylark's Wee Gold Peppet
AM. CH. Skylark Banner Of Charken
CAN. CH. Charken's Sir Echo Of Kenlynn
CAN. CH. Charken's Bright Banner
Charken's Bright Sparkle
Skylark Wee Gold Peppet
CH. Aristic Wee Gold Pepper