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Wee Won's Golden Glow
Dog Information
Wee Won's Golden Glow (
0.112793 on 10 generations
Last calculated: 2025-01-02 00:00:00
Data Source
CH. Aristic Red Rocket
Thole's Lucky Cindy
Thole's Little Buster
AM. CH. Stalker's Timmy Lee
Stalker's Tinker Bell
Russell's Fox Flame Pom Pom
Russell's Fox Flame Gypsy
Hi Vu Teddy Bear
Thole's Wee Tangerine
CH. Thole's Lucky Little Me
Warren's Princess Sherri
Aristic Little Cute Face
CH. Aristic Doctor Pepper
AM. CH. Aristic Mighty Cute ROM
CH. Bonner's Pep-r-k Firefeather
Bonner's Pepper-k Tangerine
Bonner's Styletan Adoration
Bonner's Bearutan Cream Puff
Bonner's Beautan Cream Puff
Bonner's Beautiful Tangerine
CH. Bonner's Pepperkorn
AM. CH. Highland Flashalong
Aristimist Of Highland
Aristibelle Of Highland
Highland's Ristic Petite
Aristigold Of Highland
Aristimaid Of Highland
Pixie's Gold Pepper
Bonner's Pepperkute Sungold
Bonner's Pep-r-kute Nightfire
AM. CH.CH. Bonner's Pepper-k Goldmist
CH. Bonner's Kristin Starmist ROMX
Bonner's Pepper K Sunkiss
Bonner's Sunstyle Goldbright
AM. CH. Bonner's Sunstyle Brilliance
CH.AM. CH. Bonner's Sunfire Mischief
CH. Bonner's Kristin Sundoll
Bonner's Pep-r-sun Prissy Pod
Bonner's Pepperking
Oak Hill's Crickett
CH. Bonner's Pepperkiss
Aristic Pepperkute Kandy
AM. CH. Aristic Fireball
Red Berney
Reddy Teddy's Escapade
Tim Sue's Gold Pebble
Fancy Gold Extra Special
Tin-sue's Gold Pebble
Aristic Pepper Pot O'gold
Queenaire's Bit O' Fluff D' Bon Qui
Roban's Boni Oui
Blossom View's Gold Judy
Blossom View's Proud Promise
Blossum View's Judie
Blossom Views Proud Promise
Queenaire Wee Mite Pepperita
CAN. CH. Wee Mite Pepper Pot Of Gold
Blossom View's Judie
AM. CH. My Starbound Naudia
Aristic Bridgette
CH. Aristic Wee Red Rocket
Van Hoozer's Wee Twinkle
Aristic Adorable Little Duffy
Great Elms Little Duffie
Great Elms Linda
AM. CH. Great Elms Timstopper's Image ROM
Great Elms Angel
Great Elms Showtalk
CH. Dubmar's Trump Play
Tuff Stuff Of Trump
Eley's Tnudal-hi
Pomesto Optimistic Sir
Wheeler's Dolly's Trump's Jill
Great Elms Cutie Pie
AM. CH. Scotia Spot Cash ROMX
AM. CH.CH. Scotia Cav's Cash Payment
Blossom View's Cindy Lou
Blossom View's Lady Sheila
CH. Scotia Cavalier's Toby Tyler
CH. Scotia I'm Molly-follow Me
All-star Toby's Li'l Tidbit
Messer's Toby T
CH. Scotia Cavalier's Cash Return
Scotia T W Million Dollar Baby
CH. Scotia Cavalier's Cash Reward
CH. Scotia Cavalier's Stylemaster
CH. Scotia Cavalier's Koala Bear
CH. Scotia Cavalier's Spot Cash
Fancy Q Lil Bit For Molly
Molly's San Dee Sue
AM. CH. Myway Duke Celou Celae ROM
Bonner's Fancy Q Lil Bit For Molly
Myway Stormy West Wind
Charmglows Mr Spock
Bonner's Gorg'us Mighty Miss
CH.AM. CH. Daniel's Scampering Scotter
CH.AM. CH. Daniel's Pistol Pete
CH. Daniel's Scamper Scooter
Aristic Luscious Tad
Wistful Scamp
CH. Collier's Golden Beri
Collier's Golden Charlene
Collier's Golden Tuffie
Willoway's Mr Snow Business
AM. CH. Strait's High Hope
Strait's Red Princess
AM. CH. So-ristic Flaming Brandy
Golden Kee Taddy
Jean's Lil Rusty
Patterson's Patsy
Hulin's Black Buttons