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Sealand Gold Lace
Dog Information
Sealand Gold Lace (
0 on 6 generations
Last calculated: 2025-02-03 00:00:00
Data Source
ENG. CH. Sealand Moneybox
AM. CH. Moneybox Currency
Hamagreal's Moneybox Mint
Elviean Valentine Momento
Elviean Lady Bug
Sun Mite Of Waverly
AM. CH. Julo Perk Of Waverly
Short Change Of Wavery
Sungold's Topsy
Princess Orange Blossom
Borg's Gold Coin Sable Queen
Tim's Lady Judy
Aristic Currency's June Rose
Aristic Dainty One
Aristic Little Love
Aristic Wee Orange Mite
Aristic Little Timstopper
Aristic Timstopper's Tuggie
Aristic Currency Small Change
CH. Aristic Little Dividend
Aristic Wee Won's Pepper
Aristic King Cotten
Aristic Miss Currency
Aristic Little Timmie Girl
Aristic Little Timothy
Aristic Little Coinbug
Aristic Currency Bug
BIS Moneybox Gold Coin
AM. CH. Gae Red Robin
AM. CH. Mi-lo Sable Dandy
Latham's Gold Coin Sally
Latham's Sunny Girl
Latham's Moneybox Dollie
Latham's Towntalk
Borg's Gold Coin Sable Queen
BIS Little Timstopper
AM. CH. Little Tim's Sunburst
Teeco's Lady Madelaine
Latham Gold Coin's Sally
AM. CH. Latham's Gay Sahib
AM. CH. Aristic Little Dinkums
CH. Aristic Little Red Coin
Sugar Carress Of Thelcolynn
Bit O' Treasure Of Thelcolynn
Sugar Caress Of Thelcolynn
Wee-wunder's Dancing Lady
Borghild's Surprise Money
Leader's Surprise Money
Leader's Little Prince
Adora Little Gem CD
CH.AM. CH. Moenybox Gold Coin
CH. Fairfax Coin Box
AM. CH. Fairfax Wee Bronze Penny
CH. Georgian Gadfly ROM
Fichter's Jackie
Moneybox Boy Of Nirut
Fichter's Rosemary
Sheba Of Timber Acres
Kleckner's Candy
Renwill's Maid Of Nirut
Petland's Lady Beautiful
Peachbloom Pats
Peachbloom Pats Ii
AM. CH. Gae Red Robin
AM. CH. Kitch Tumble Lad
Dixieland's Linda All Gold
Dixieland's Gay Linda ROM
Great Elms Doll Of Dixieland
AM. CH. Great Elms Buster
CH. Great Elms Little Doodle
CH. Great Elms Little Debby
CH. Great Elms Gay Linda
Great Elms Baby Doll Ii
Great Elms Little Duchess
Great Elms Sugar Babe
Great Elms Patsy
CH. Great Elms Little Jewel
CH. Moneybox Two Bits
Dromore Betsy
Dromore Prima Donna
AM. CH. Aristic Surprise Box
Aristic Golden Mintage
Aristic Currency's June Rose
Aristic Currency Small Change
Aristic Jewel Box
AM. CH. Aristic Little Gold Bug
Aristic Moneybox Enchantress
CH. Aristic Little Red Coin
Aristic Moneybox Caress
Aristic Miss Moneybox
CH. Bonner's Moneybox Sunny
Aristic Little Viola
Aristic Gay Little Luxury
Aristic Gay Sahib
Aristic Sahib's Lady Gay
Aristic Gay Magnificient
Aristic Sir Taffy
Aristic Little Miss Cheerful
Aristic Little Cheerful
Aristic Moneybox Finegold
Aristic Moneybox Gold Atom
Aristic Moneybox Premium
AM. CH. Aristic Little Gold Bug
Aristic Lady Pamela
Carolyn Darling Ru-gene
Aristic Little Coinbug
Aristic Currency Bug
Aristic Little Viola
Aristic Gay Little Luxury
Aristic Little Fuzzy Bug
Aristic Little Humming Bug
Aristic Little Love Bug
Aristic Moneybox Enchantress
Aristic Miss Moneybox
CH. Bonner's Moneybox Sunny
A-lil Wee Mischief
A-lil Mischief's Town Talk
CH.AM. CH. Dixieland's Mighty Sweet
Great Elms Rita Of Dixieland
Dixieland's Little Judy
Borghild Lucky Coin
Borghild Little Pearl
CH. Borghild's Wee Sonny
Penny Serenade Iii
Chip Of Gold Of Tai-pan
AM. CH. Sambo Of Wil-pom-ken
Moneybox Prosperity
Gold Piece Play Boy
Wilson's Gold Dust Twin
Bryne Marlin
Wilson's Gold Dust Twin
Renwill's Trilby Of Nirut
Renwill's Maid Of Nirut
Petland's Lady Beautiful
CH. Sealand Cash Book