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D-nee's Dawdling Dumplin'
Dog Information
D-nee's Dawdling Dumplin' (
Data Source
AM. CH. D-nee's Darin' Duffie ROM
AM. CH. Patty's Duffie's Lil Skipper
CAN. CH. Dainti D-nee's Desirae
Philbrook's Ge Jersey Tomato
Philbrook's Furocious Freddy
Philbrook's This Bud's For Me
CH. Philbrook's Magic Pixie Dust
CH. Might Dainti Lord Peter Pom
AM. CH. Dainti Delite Of D-nee's
Clairmont's Cherished Diamond
Clairmont's Carolina Lolita
Clairmont's Carolina Samson
Clairmont's Little Delilah
AM. CH. Clairmont's Carolina Delite
CH. Clairmont's Traveling Diamond
CH. Clairmont's Max In Carolina
Clairmont's Carolina Duffie
CH. Clairmont's Carolina Diamond
CH. Ozark's Mighty Mite
Ozark's Chantilly Lace
CH. Clairmont's Darin Delite
Glo's Boy From Lance
CH. Clairmont's Carolina Trilogy
CH. Clairmont's Carolina Simone
AM. CH. Dainti Darin' Of D-nee's
Itoba Coulda Woulda Shoulda
CH. Itoba Ivory Tower
CH. Itoba Darling Clementine
Dainti Princess Nissa CD
CH. Pramada's Dainty Charm
Pramada's Fuzzy Sunrise
Patty's Sunny Marketta
Patty's Morning Sun
CH. Pramada's Fuzzy Dust Bunny
Clairmont's Carolina Duffie
CH. D-nee's D'bonaire Diplomat
Alden's Blazingstar
CH. Alden's Celebration In Karen
Alden's Moonbeam Coreopsis
CH. Alden's Celebration In Kevin
CH. Alden's Celebration In Kelly
Alden's Flower Festival
CH. Alden's Snapdragon
CH. Alden's Celebration In Keith
CH. D-nee's Dabblin Duffer
CH. D-nee's D'manding Dame
AM. CH. Gamian's Hollander
AM. CH. Aurora's Alibi
Pramada's Fuzzy Sunrise
Patty's Sunny Marketta
Patty's Morning Sun
CH. Pramada's Fuzzy Dust Bunny
CH. Gamlan's Itoba First Run
Gamlan's Fire Run
CH. Aurora's Freeze Dried
O My Mollie Marie
Moke Pom'a'dawg
D-nee's Desirae
CH. D-nee's Demure Duchess
CH. D-nee's D'bonaire Diplomat
CH. D-nee's Dabblin Duffer
CH. D-nee's D'manding Dame
CH. D-nee's Desert D'light