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AM. CH. Jeribeth's Darlin Doodle Bug ROM
Dog Information
AM. CH. Jeribeth's Darlin Doodle Bug ROM (
Date of Birth:
1967-05-24 00:00:00
Registration Number:
Data Source
CH. Doodle Bug's Delightful Lisa
CH. Gsd's Frosti Love O'dragonfly
CH. Jeribeth's Fire Dragon
CH. Jeribeth's Lidlu Lovely
Tri Art's Dolly
CH. Topaze Duchess Of Jeribeth
Topaze Sir Blitzen #1 A.S.
Jabil's Sun Goddess ROM
AM. CH. Jabil's Simply Smashing
CH. Jabil's Emily
AM. CH. Jabil's Simply Sinful
AM. CH. Jabil's Pinto Hi-tone
AM. CH. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer
AM. CH. Gold Gems Fire Dragon Darlin
Gold Gems Shannon M'lady
AM. CH. Tomboy's Pico Chico ROMX
Gold Gem's Shannon M'lady
Gold Gems Dragon Candy Beau
Gold Gem Itsa Texican Tiger
Joart's Wendie Of Kazar
AM. CH. Kazar's John R
Sungold's Cozy Rider
Sol En La Ciarra
Chapa's Holiwood Newdays Eve
Kazar's Nancy Jane
AM. CH. Kazar's Short Stop
Pedrons Dragon Deuce
AM. CH. Pedrons Mark Of The Dragon ROM
Pedron's Fairy Dragon
AM. CH. Pedron's Treasure O'the Dragon
AM. CH. Pedron's Chynna Dragon
AM. CH. Pedrons Dragonmark
BISS Pedron's D' Dragonmark
CH. Pedron's Dragon Mark
AM. CH. Chula's Texican Peppermist
AM. CH. Chula's Choice Of Dragonmark
AM. CH. Jeribeth's Chula Dragonette
AM. CH. Chula's Lullaby Of Dragon
CH.AM. CH. Jeribeth's Cula Dragonette
CH. Chula's Diamond O Dragonmark
Jeribeth's Pand-a-roni
Jeribeth's Peach-a-roni
Jeribeth's Miss Marana
CH. Pedron's Chula Dragon Mark
Sunrunner Senator Sophie
Sunrunner Ruffles And Drumbs
Pedrons Dragon Bit
Milo's Dragon Prince
Jeribeth's Back To The Duke
Pedron's The Dragon Master
Wee Heart's Annie Get Your Gun
Wee Heart's Pennies From Heaven
Wonderland Enters The Dragon
CH. Pedron's Dragon The Conquerer
Chula's Super Star Dragon
CH. Chriscendo Contraband
Chriscendo Contempra
Starfire's One Step Closer
CH. Obsession Dances With Dragon
CH. Obsessions Angel The Dragon
CH. Jj's Lemurian Crystal
Kiwi Foxfire Hoke
Pedron's Dragon Boots Gold Gem
Pedron's Fury Of The Dragon
Pedrons Dragondawn
Pedron's Dragondawn
AM. CH. Joarts Treasure Of Pedrons
AM. CH. Joarts Camille
AM. CH. Pedron's Treasure O'the Dragon
CH. Joart's Treasure Of Pedrons
AM. CH. Jo-art's Camille
Jo-art's Madonna
AM. CH. Sun Ray's Fire Cracker
CH. Joart's Camille
Joart's Madonna
AM. CH. Pedrons Dragon Charmer
AM. CH. Pedron's Chynna Dragon
AM. CH. Pedrons Dragonmark
Pedrons Dragondawn
Pedron's Dragondawn
Rosewood Starfire Of Dragon
Rosewood's Firethorn Dragon
Rosewood's Song Of The Dragon
Blazin Dragon's Express
Blazin's Dragon Express
Nelson's Precious Pixie Girl
Rosewood Dragonmark Chance
Nelson's Precious Pixie
Afba's Chip O'dragonmark
BISS Pedron's D' Dragonmark
Rosewood's Dragonmark Classic
CH. Pedron's Dragon Mark
Rosewood's Starfire Of Dragon
Rosewood's Starmist Of Dragon
AM. CH. Cheap Shot
Joart's Roxanne
Joart's Sunny
Sunrunner Patticake Pom CD
Sunrunner Senator Sophie
Jeribeth's Pand-a-roni
Jeribeth's Peach-a-roni
AM. CH. Moonshine Snap Shot
Moonshine Blue Print
Pombreden's Parti Blue Elijah
CH. Moonshine Double Shot
Hot Shot Puppers
Moonshine Cloud Nine
Prizm Quickstop
Dolly Blue
Pen's Little Rocky Ice
Black N Blue Queam Beastlet
Prizm Sling Shot
Ace Hi's Royal Jasmine
Tinkler's Evita
AM. CH. Tomho Alabaster Coyote
AM. CH. Gem's Fire Dragon Darlin
AM. CH. Eden's Puff The Magic Dragon
Amystis Magic Dragon
Gucci Poochie
CH.AM. CH. Gold Gem's Fire Dragon Darlin
CH. Edan's Puff A Magic Dragon
CH. Marve's Tiger Duke Of Edan
Marve's Catrick Queen
Jiro Oomasa
Toy Town's Cuppi Of Jeribeth
AM. CH. Luell's Kukla Boy Of Duke
Luell's Madam Dragonfly
Luell's Scarlet O'hairy
Sa Rah's Foxy Roxy
Rosewood's Dancing Dragonfly
Luell's Dandy Sandy Of Kukla
Alden's Lucky Dandy Horse
Luell's Golden Lucky Bingo
Skipper's Trust
AM. CH. Starlite's Miss Dragon Magic
Hazel Wee Pepper Pod
Brandy Muffin O'luell's Kukla
Joers Whatsitallabout Elfie
Luell's Fluffy Toy Cuddles
Luell's Fuzzy Peach Of Danny
Peri's Peach Parfait O'lenette
Great Elms Peaches Of Lenette
CH. Tj's Peach Elm Of Lu Net
CH. Great Elms Bonnie Of Lenette
Fuzzy Peach Of Lenette
Cutshaws Lil Sweet Peach
Luell's Darlin' Duchess
CH. Luell's Stormy Nite O'cardnl
Luells Angelic Sparklin Rain
Luell's Stormy Nite O'cardinl
Luell's Stormy Valentine O'luv
CH. Luell's Cinderella Of Duke
AM. CH. Zodiac's Cavalier Centerpiece
AM. CH. Scotia Awhey We Go Again
Scotia Trails End Awhey We Go
AM. CH. Scotia Chase National Dream
AM. CH. Scotia A Bit Of Consolation
Denise Of Golden Acres
Denise's Dainty Mignon
Peaches Of Golden Acres
Sue's Golden Melody
Luell's Doodle Dee Dee
Luell's Sassy Ball Of Fluff
Luell Dancin Sunrock O'aldens
CH. Alden's Rudy Valentino
Cedar Coast Tuff Tibbe
Cedar Coasttuff Tibbe
Luell's Bright Sunny Marigold
Alden's Sweet Marylynn
Luell's Aldens Ago-go
AM. CH. Aldens Doodle Dancer O Bingo
Alden's Black Dancin Magic
Alden's Hershey Dancin Bar
Alden's Black Ripple Twist
Alden's Dazzel Darling Dancer
Alden's Black Denver Dancer
Alden's Dark Dakota Of Dancer
CH. Alden's Spring Daisy Dancer
Alden's Lucky Shy Sam
Tootie Of Hooterville
Luell's Whoopdeedoodle
Luell's Darlin Angel Of Duke
AM. CH. Luell's Angel's Dream Of Tj's
T-j's Strut N Tom Dooley
CH. T-j's Angel's Annie Oakley
Luell's Darling Danielle
Alden's Dazzel Darling Dancer
CH. Luell's Sunny Macho Man
Luells Angelic Sparklin Rain
AM. CH. Luell's Spartan Warrior
CH. Gad's Frosti's Doll O' Dragonfly
Gad's Chula Ima Lil Duke
Gad's Chula Ima Lil Devil
CH. Gad's Frosti's Love O'dragonfly