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AM. CH. Bonner's Pep-r-wee Beautiful
Dog Information
AM. CH. Bonner's Pep-r-wee Beautiful (
Data Source
Bonner's Top-r-wee Beautiful
Bonner's Bearutan Cream Puff
Bonner's Beautan Cream Puff
AM. CH. Bonner's Starlyn Prissy Puff ROM
CH. Bonner's Starlynette Destiny
AM. CH. Bonner's Starcrest Coquette
Bonner's Starcrest Trilette
AM. CH.CH. Bonner's Starcrest Minette
Chesai Sunpower Cyclone
Cheesai Sun Power Cyclone
Chesai Sunpower Tempest
Bonner's Tribute To Trilette
Chesai Dixie Power Antonio
Cheelan Starpower Superstar
AM. CH. Camelot's Whispering Shadow
AM. CH. Chesai Power Play
Chesai Sweet Orange Puff
CH. Cheelan Ramsie's Du-pont
Chesai Charming Cheesecake
Chesai Kim Puff
Chesai Starpuff Illusion
Chesai Tiny Bubbles
AM. CH. Chesai Starpuff Vignette
CH. Chesai Sisnben Scarlet Rose
Chesai Basic Black
Bonner's Beautiful Tangerine
Midas Sunny Legacy
AM. CH.AM/CAN CH. Midas Ragtime Rock
CH. Midas Touch Of Serenity
Midas Legacy's Promise
Miller's Cavalier Rusticana
Crescendo Allegra Supresa
Bonner's Gold Souvenir
Charrette's Golbel Peppercricket
Charrette's Kencrik Joker
Charrette's Golbel Pepper Cricket
CAN. CH. Horton's Red Fox
Bonner's Pep-r-sun Prissy Pod
AM. CH. Bonner's Krispris Golden Comet ROM
CH. Camelot's Serendipity
CH. The Pines Stardust
CH. The Pines Golden Highlights
Pombreden's Jc Rock Of Ages
AM. CH. Camelot's Black Velvet
CH. The Pines Jack In The Box CD
Shadra's Didett
AM. CH. Saucee's Fancy Image Of Jack
AM. CH. Shadra's Risin Sun
The Pines Strut-n-my Stuf
CH. The Pines Nutmeg
AM. CH. The Pines Waltzing Matilda
AM. CH. Shadra's Mighty Mort
AM. CH. Shadra's Battery Not Included
CH. The Pines Golden Comet
Homesteads Second-hand Rose ROM
CH. The Pines Lil Prissy Doll
AM. CH. The Pines Hells A Poppin
CH. Homestead's Pretty Petal
AM. CH. Brown Crest's Luv N Lacey
AM. CH. Chelene's Pigeon Flyaway
AM. CH. Foxfire's Watch My Smoke
Homesteads Hells-a-blazin
AM. CH. Hells A Poppin's Lil Showoff
AM. CH. Happy Pines Crimson Crusader
AM. CH. The Pines Poppin Fresh
CH. The Pines Pinafore
CH. Pomaunok She Demon
CH. Hells A Poppin's Puppet
The Pines Touch Of Class
Mi-dee Mikie Of The Pines #1 A.S.