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Golden Aires Crescent Moon
Dog Information
Golden Aires Crescent Moon (
Data Source
CH. Paradise Valley Royal Reward ROM
CH. Paradise Valley Sundancing Suzie
Paradise Valley Sundancing Sadie
Paradise Valley Morning Star
Paradise Valley Mercedes
Paradise Valley Royal Tradition
CH. Paradise Valley Linus
Paradise Valley Maverick
Paradise Valley Rockafella
Paradise Valley King Arthur
Paradise Valley Sir Lancelot
Paradise Valley Royal Karizma
CH. Paradise Valley Royal Sundance
Paradise Valley Natalie Would
CH. Paradise Valley Natalie
CH. Paradise Valley Lady Jane
CH. Paradise Valley Moonstruck
CH. Paradise Valley Royal Medallion
CH. Paradise Valley Rock N Robin
Paradise Valley Brisko
Pomadors Paradise Valley Lexi
Pomadors Paradisevalley Bull
Paradise Valley Starstruck
Paradise Valley Pink Cadillac
AM CH. Golden Star's Windswept
Paradise Valley Moonstruck Lyric
Paradise Valley Moonstruck Magic
CH.BIS CH. Kim's Cameo Sir Lancelot
AM CH. Whiteharbors Tiny Temptress
AM GCH. Whiteharbors It Takes Two To Tango
AM GCH. Whiteharbors Are You Ready To Rumba
CH. Paradise Valley Royal Prince
Paradise Valley Charity
CH. Paradise Valley Lil Cinders
Paradise Valley Cierra
Paradise Valley Blazing Brodie
Paradise Valley Starstruck
Paradise Valley Pink Cadillac
Paradise Valley Victoria
Paradise Valley Royal Tiara
Paradise Valley Kiss Me Quick
Paradise Valley Mercedes
Paradise Valley Royal Tradition
CH. Paradise Valley Rio Lobo
Paradise Valley Rockafella
Linetree Jezebel Betsys Maggie
Paradise Valley Sierra Jane
Star Haven Righteous Reward
Paradise Valley Morning Star
CH. New Dawn's Chasing A Dream
Paradise Valley Balhe
Paradise Valley Brittney
CH. Jessica's Desperado
Takeda's Tigre Rasera
Paradise Valley Bewitched
Benray's Miss Golden Aire
Benray's Golden Aire Tessa
CH. Golden Aires Forever Regal
Star Haven Righteous Royal T
Star Haven Righteous Royalt
Paradise Valley Angel Of Mine
Paradise Valley Victoria
Paradise Valley Precious Moment