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Little Lady Leanora
Dog Information
Little Lady Leanora (
0 on 6 generations
Last calculated: 2025-02-03 00:00:00
Data Source
BIS Moneybox Gold Coin
AM. CH. Gae Red Robin
AM. CH. Mi-lo Sable Dandy
Little Lona ROM
Dixieland's Gold Buccaneer
Dixieland's Lovely Lona
Latham's Gold Coin Sally
Latham's Sunny Girl
Sungold's Wee Desire
La Fortune's Wee Hopeful ROM
Latham's Moneybox Dollie
Latham's Gee Whiz
Latham's Towntalk
A-lil Mischief's Town Talk
Borg's Gold Coin Sable Queen
BIS Little Timstopper
BIS Little Timstopper's Teeco
Aristic Little Timstopper
Aristic Timstopper's Tuggie
AM. CH. Little Tim's Sunburst
Sunburst Travelette
Dixieland's Gay Linda ROM
CH.AM. CH. Mckamey's Margaret Rose
Golden Sheik Of Gaytime
Sunny Ray Of Dixieland
Teeco's Lady Madelaine
Dixieland's Lovely Lona
Latham Gold Coin's Sally
AM. CH. Latham's Gay Sahib
Aristic Sahib's Lady Gay
Aristic Gay Sahib
AM. CH. Aristic Little Dinkums
CH. Aristic Little Red Coin
Sugar Carress Of Thelcolynn
Wee Wanda Of Thelcolynn
Bit O' Treasure Of Thelcolynn
Bronze Penny Of Thelcolynn
Sugar Caress Of Thelcolynn
Wee-wunder's Dancing Lady
AM. CH. Moneybox Currency
Hamagreal's Moneybox Mint
Elviean Valentine Momento
Marjorie Itsy Jinny
Wellington's Golden Spunky
Elviean Lady Bug
Elviean Betsy
Sun Mite Of Waverly
AM. CH. Julo Perk Of Waverly
Wee Coquette Of Shawn
Aristic Haughy Honey
Aristic Honeybunch
Aristic Honeykist Ii
Aristic Perky Little Mister
Duke Julo Moneybox-k
Short Change Of Wavery
Sungold's Topsy
Wee Coquette Of Shawn
Princess Orange Blossom
Borg's Gold Coin Sable Queen
BIS Little Timstopper
AM. CH. Little Tim's Sunburst
Teeco's Lady Madelaine
Tim's Lady Judy
Dixieland's Gold Buccaneer
Aristic Currency's June Rose
Aristic Dainty One
Aristic Little Love
Aristic Wee Orange Mite
Aristic Little Timstopper
Aristic Little Tinker Toy
AM. CH. Great Elms Little Timstopper ROMX
Aristic Little Ritzie Girl
Bonner's Chulita
Bonner's Picaro
Aristic Miss Fireball
Aristic Little Sirene
Aristic Moneybox Conceit
Aristic Gay Magnificient
Aristic Sir Taffy
Aristic Pandora
Aristic Golden Luxury
Aristic Goldtim Of Waverly
Aristic Timstopper's Tuggie
Mayken's Miss Tuggie
AM. CH. Bonner's Tiny Showstopper
Aristic Sunglow
Aristic Sungold
Aristic Dainty Camille Ii
Aristic Dulcigold
Aristic Currency Small Change
CH. Aristic Little Dividend
Aristic Miss Wildfire
Aristic Adorable Mitzie
CH. Aristic Big Pay
Aristic Wee Won's Pepper
AM. CH. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod ROMX
Aristic King Cotten
Red Button Iv
Pompous Leopold
Aristic Miss Currency
Aristic Little Timmie Girl
Aristic Miss Fireball
Aristic Little Sirene
Aristic Moneybox Conceit
Aristic Little Timothy
AM. CH. Aristic Mr. Chips
Aristic Little Tim's Chee-wee
Aristic Little Tim's Finegold
Aristic Little Tim's Gold Chip
CH. Aristic Daintiness
Aristic Little Vixen
Aristic Little Tim's Gold Magnet
Aristic Little Tim's Gold Clip
Aristic Little Tim's Brilliance
Aristic Little Tim's Model
Aristic Little Tim's Bittersweet
Aristic Little Tim's Topson
Aristic Midget Molly
Aristic Little Deborah
Aristic Little Don Juan
Aristic Little Drum Major
Aristic Little Prima Donna
Aristic Beautiful Doll
CH. Aristic Sir Buttons
Aristic Sunfire
Aristic Sir Sable
Aristic Little Coinbug
Aristic Currency Bug
Borghild's Surprise Money
Leader's Surprise Money
Leader's Little Prince
Drake's Little Cheche
CH.AM. CH. Adora Suntoy
Adora Little Gem CD
CH. Fairfax Coin Box
AM. CH. Fairfax Wee Bronze Penny
CH. Georgian Gadfly ROM
Aristic Miss Gadfly
Nibroc Gadabout
CH. Georgian Sun Blaze
CH. Georgian Sweet Sue
CH. Caldoak Bittersweet
CH. Caldoak Dauntless
CH. Caldoak Debutante
CH. Caldoak Dragonfly
Fichter's Jackie
Sheba Of Timber Acres
AM. CH. Timber Acres Jimi Jon
Fuzzy G Jones Kleckner
Moneybox Boy Of Nirut
Fichter's Rosemary
Sheba Of Timber Acres
Timber Acres Fancy Prance
Timber Acres Vexatious
Kleckner's Candy
Georgian Brown Sugar
Renwill's Maid Of Nirut
Petland's Lady Beautiful
Great Elms Prince
CH.AM. CH. Moenybox Gold Coin
Sahib's Lady Orina
Princess Orange Blossom
Borg's Gold Coin Sable Queen
BIS Little Timstopper
AM. CH. Little Tim's Sunburst
Teeco's Lady Madelaine
Tim's Lady Judy
Dixieland's Gold Buccaneer
Little Lady Tania
Gae Sally
Wee Won's Bambi
Wee Won's Molly
Wee Won's Joker