Latest Dogs Added

Name Sire Dam
Panda De Los Montes Ratzburgs Patchey Gidget Fidget Ratzburg
Oxalis Hope Rivera Fibirivera Cintron
Ortiz's Princess Cotton Ball Clark Blanca Julieta
Blanca Julieta
Cotton Ball Clark
Ollie's Dancing With Wolves Hatton's Bailey By Furbee Hatton's Angel By Stroker
Oliver's Trying For Trinity Finch's Harlequin Mo Oliver's Kiss Me Annie
Oliver's Kiss Me Annie
Oliver's In Trouble State Trooper Oliver's Rowdy's Rebel Mora 'n Strong's Marbled Marvel
Mora 'n Strong's Marbled Marvel
Oliver's Chocolate N Brass Tinder Uniquepoms Wolfric Onelovepoms She Truly Stole My Heart
AM CH. Oceanview's Orange You A Lil Bit Jelly Jj's He's A Lil Hottie Jan-shars Good To Go
Jan-shars Good To Go
Nowland's A Hard Day's Night FITB Charm Revanch Yuntu Fire Fox AM GCH. Nowland's Love Me Do
Nguyen's Panda My Precious Poms Chocolate Kat 's Trixy Silicon Valley