Historical Photo Gallery

This list includes all dogs for which we have historical photos.
AM. CH. Anadors Dragon Smasher

AM. CH. Anadors Dragon Smasher

Sisson's Silver Dollar x Pomirish Little Matilda
AM. CH. Anadors Goldpepper Calico

AM. CH. Anadors Goldpepper Calico

Anadors Goldpepper Daniel x Anadors Crystal Candy
AM. CH. Anadors Silver N Smoke

AM. CH. Anadors Silver N Smoke

Sisson's Silver Dollar x Pomirish Little Matilda
Doo-shay's Mystic Macgyver

Doo-shay's Mystic Macgyver

Southland's Tar-baby's Image x Southland's Toasted Scarlett
CH. Bevnorsouthland Sinsation

CH. Bevnorsouthland Sinsation

AM. CH. Bev-nor's Toasted Fudge ROMS x Lynnwright's Miracle Worker
AM. CH.CH. Southland's Janesa Berry Tby ROM

AM. CH.CH. Southland's Janesa Berry Tby ROM

AM. CH. Southland's Toasted Fudge ROMS x Bev-nor's Fudges Fondue
Wee Hearts Dana's Shadow

Wee Hearts Dana's Shadow

Lazy Sl Cherokee Parti x Wee Hearts Dirty Dianna
AM. CH.BIS Bells Chriscendo Carmichael

AM. CH.BIS Bells Chriscendo Carmichael

A/C/B CH. Millamor's Rock Medallion ROM x AM. CH. Bells Misty Masquerade
Chriscendo Cloisonne

Chriscendo Cloisonne

AM/CAN CH.BIS Chriscendo Calvin Klein ROMX x Chriscendo Cecilia
AM. CH. Beaver Of Lenette ROM

AM. CH. Beaver Of Lenette ROM

AM. CH. Model's Timstoppers Echo x Tinker Bell Of Lenette
CH. Coble's Traveling Bear

CH. Coble's Traveling Bear

AM. CH. Great Elms Models Timstopper x Apple's Traveling Elvira
CAN. CH. Great Elms Tiny Tim

CAN. CH. Great Elms Tiny Tim

CH. Great Elms Timstopper Too ROM x Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMS
CH. Wee Challenger Of Lenette

CH. Wee Challenger Of Lenette

AM. CH. Beaver Of Lenette ROM x Dorcas Of Lenette
BISCH. Great Elms Pride And Joy

BISCH. Great Elms Pride And Joy

AM. CH. Cedarwood's Image Of Diamond ROMX x Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMS
Great Elms Susanna Of Lenette ROM

Great Elms Susanna Of Lenette ROM

BISCH. Great Elms Pride And Joy x Great Elms Rosa Of Lenette