Historical Photo Gallery

This list includes all dogs for which we have historical photos.
Nan's She's All That

Nan's She's All That

CH. Celestial's Classic Image x Nan's Amazing Grace
CH. Keepsake's Star Spangled Banner

CH. Keepsake's Star Spangled Banner

CH. Puf Pride Cloudbreaker ROM x Keepsakes Courtin' Tradition
Finchs Moonlight Sonata

Finchs Moonlight Sonata

CH. Finch's Walkin After Midnite ROM x Finch's Some Kinda Wonderful
Majestys Princess Ellie Mae

Majestys Princess Ellie Mae

CH. Paughprints On The Mtn Crest ROMS x Benray's Sherri Kaye
Powerpom Maxmillion

Powerpom Maxmillion

AM/CAN CH. Foxworth Fanfare x Bavanew's Divine Intervention
Powerpom Keep The Faith

Powerpom Keep The Faith

Melenbri Sweet Talkin Guy x Chriscendo Chasing Clouds
Doubletakes Cheers To Kilpatrick

Doubletakes Cheers To Kilpatrick

CH. Kilpatricks Midnight Thunder x Kilpatricks Wee Ramblin Patti
Arzenland Dankiss Delight

Arzenland Dankiss Delight

CAN. CH. Pomdell's Classic Royal Pursuit x Arzenland Busina Bakkara
CH. Bi-mar's Jazzing It Up

CH. Bi-mar's Jazzing It Up

CH. Bi-mar's All That Jazz x Karizma's Kashmir
CH. Kayra's White Hot Diamond

CH. Kayra's White Hot Diamond

CH. Kayra's Busting Out Diamonds x Kayra N Dreamweaver Diamond
CH. Tresstique M I Cute Or What

CH. Tresstique M I Cute Or What

AM CH. Tresstique No Bull I'm Cute x CH. Tresstique's Road Warrior
Xantah Domino Chicco

Xantah Domino Chicco

Bryandee Federal Express x Xantah First Love
Thelbern Monsieur Noir Of Xantah

Thelbern Monsieur Noir Of Xantah

Thelbern The Real Mccoy x Thelbern Angel Delight
Xantah Mon Braveheart

Xantah Mon Braveheart

Bryandee Federal Express x Xantah Irresista Belle
CH. Char's For Love Or Money

CH. Char's For Love Or Money

CH. Finch's Nicely Packaged Deal x Finch's A Classy Blonde