CH. Ar Bee's Shadow Dancer
CH. Ar Bee's Shotgun Willie
CH. Ar-bee's Cody Bear Of Lenette
CH. Ar-bees Sir Dudley
Arcadian's Red Jet Setter
Arcadians Blu Domino
AM. CH. Aristic Mighty Cute ROM
Arn-ette Dance'n In The Rain
AM/CAN CH.AM/CAN CH. Artic Poms Fur Rondie
CH. Artic Poms Raisin-a-ruckus
AM/CAN CH.AM/CAN CH. Articpoms Iron Will
CH. Artistry's Love Is A Killer
Arzenland Agatha Christy
Arzenland Dankiss Delight
Arzenland Dushes Dai-star